Sunday, October 19, 2008

Paschal Hymns, Roman Lectionary, Year A

All of these hymns are based on the Roman Catholic version of the Three-Year Lectionary, using the readings from Year A.

Second Sunday of Easter, Year A

Blessed be the God and Father

Of Christ Jesus, risen Lord,

Who has given us in mercy

Birth to hope. Let us adore!

Jesus calls us past our doubting,

As with Thomas long ago.

God empow’rs us with the Spirit,

Chirst as Lord and God to know.

This is cause for great rejoicing!

We are called beyond our sight

Into faith surpassing knowledge,

Gifted now with God’s own light.

Faithful to the Apostles’ teaching

And the breaking of the Bread,

Through all suff’rings and all trials

Shall we each by Christ be led.

87.87.D suggested tune: Ode to Joy

This text was set by Richard Hillert for the Schola Cantorum of St. Peter's in the Loop, and was recorded by the Schola on "Music for Easter II" which is available from The Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN ( The anthem, under the title "Blessed Be the God and Father," was published by Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, MO (

Third Sunday of Easter, Year A

Christ, the source of our redemption,

Yours the blood beyond all cost

Which has freed us from the futile

Ways of life which made us lost.

God, Your Father, gave You glory,

Bringing You from death to life--

So, with faith and hope o'erflowing,

We are loosed from sin and strife.

As Your friends were shown Your presence

In the breaking of the bread,

Show us now Your loving-kindness

By which hungry souls are fed.

Spotless Lamb, by God long-chosen,

You have set Your people free;

Help us hear the Scriptures' witness

Calling us to liberty!

This text was set by Paul Nicholson for the Schola Cantorum of St. Peter's in the Loop, and was recorded by the Schola on "Music for Easter II" which is available from The Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN ( The anthem, under the title "Christ, the Source of Our Redemption," was published by Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, MO (

Fourth Sunday of Easter, Year A

Paschal Lamb who suffered for us,

Sheep-gate guarding all Your sheep,

Let us hear Your voice, which summons

Each of us, God's will to keep.

Dead to sin through Your great mercy,

By Your wounds we are made whole;

You have gathered us from straying,

O great Shepherd of our souls.

Guide and guard us through our suff'rings;

Let us hear you call our name,

Knowing You as our Messiah,

Who for us bore cross and shame.

In Your vic'try, make us sharers;

Lead us now thorugh sin and strife

That we all who share one Baptism

Safe may pass from death to life.

This text was set by Carl Schalk for the Schola Cantorum of St. Peter's in the Loop, and was recorded by the Schola on "Music for Easter II" which is available from The Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN ( It was also recorded by the American Repertory Singers on "Christ Be Our Seed: Choral Music of Carl Schalk," which is available from Concordia Publishing House ( The anthem, under the title "Paschal Lamb Who Suffered For Us," was published by Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, MO (

Fifth Sunday of Easter, Year A

Stone rejected by the builders,

JESUS, now the cornerstone—

You, our life and truth most blessed,

Are the way to God alone.

Seeing You, we see the Father;

Born in You, we are God’s own

Chosen race and priesthood royal

Joined in worship ‘round God’s throne.

Living Stone, you are our builder;

Give us grace to live each day

Serving God in serving others,

Walking always in your way!

Sixth Sunday of Easter, Year A

Christ, our Paschal sacrifice,

Through Your death You give us life.

Once for all, You died for sin,

The unjust for God to win. [Alleluia!]

Through the holy Paraclete,

Make Your work on earth complete.

Leave us not alone below;

Teach us in Your ways to go. [Alleluia!]

As with joy th'Apostles went

Preaching grace as they were sent,

Let us, too, Your word obey,

And be faithful day to day. [Alleluia!]

Baptized in the Spirit's pow'r,

May we, each and ev'ry hour,

Show the hope that we confess,

Strive each falsehood to redress. [Alleluia!]

77.77 (with or without Alleluias)

Tune with alleluias: "Sonne der Gerechtigket"

Tune without alleluias: "Salzburg"

This text was set by Bart Bradfield for the Schola Cantorum of St. Peter's in the Loop, and was recorded by the Schola on "Music for Easter II" which is available from The Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN (

Seventh Sunday of Easter, Year A

Within an upper room, consumed in pray'r,

The Lord's disciples soon were gathered there:

Bereft of presence, loved but out of sight,

They stayed together, waiting on the Light.

Eternal Christ, Christ told them, comes of this:

To know the true and only source, our God

And Jesus, sent to earth from God above,

The guarantee of God's unchanging love.

So too we gather 'round His altar here,

Each bringing weight of sin and doubt and fear;

Refreshed in Word and Sacrament, we find

The strength to serve our God with heart and mind., suggested tune, "Sursum Corda"

This text was set by James E. Clemens for the Schola Cantorum of St. Peter's in the Loop, and was recorded by the Schola on "Music for Easter II" which is available from The Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN ( The anthem, under the title "Within an Upper Room," was published by Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, MO (

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