Sunday, October 19, 2008

Hymn: Nativity of St. John Baptist (Jun. 24)

Readings for the Solemnity: Isaiah 49: 1-6; Acts 13:22-26; Luke 1: 57-66, 80.

Hymn tune: Stuttgart (86.86)

Hear me, O you distant coastlines!

From the womb God called my name,

Making me a polished arrow

That would go to spread His fame!

Hear the voice of once-dumb father

Crying out in prophecy:

You, my child, shall be Christ's prophet,

That our people might be free!

Aged parents see in gladness

John, their son, whose birth will bring

Voice of one in desert crying:

Harken to our coming King!

On this day of glad thanksgiving,

All the faithful praise the Name

Of the Father, Son, and Spirit,

Triune God, fore'er the same!

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