Thursday, October 23, 2008

Hymn: 26th Sun OT A

Once a father told his children:

"Vineyard work is yours today!"

One agreed, but disregarded;

One demurred, but then obeyed.

Those we often scorn as sinful

Hear God's voice and then repent.

Seeing love, we then are scornful:

"Unfair God! Why now relent?"

Here our model must be Jesus,

Who, though in the form of God,

Emptied self and took on slav'ry;

Bitter death's own way, He trod.

Setting now all strife and envy

Far from us to walk God's ways,

In the love of Christ, our oneness

Spurs us in our deeds each day.


suggested tune: Stuttgart

If you don't know the tune:

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