*Recent change: in obedience to the new Vatican directive, I have removed the Tetragrammaton (YHWH) from this text and replaced it with a circumlocution.
"Lord, you duped me and I let You;
Over me Your triumph strong
Has me mocked with ceaseless outrage;
Scorned am I the whole day long!"
Thus the prophet told his Master,*
"I will preach Your name no more!"
But the need to give his witness
Still impelled him to the fore.
Thus did Jesus to His chosen
Tell of cross and bitter pain;
Peter, hoping to forestall this,
Spoke against this awful stain.
In rebuke, there came this message:
You must daily take your cross,
Foll'wing Me and self forsaking,
Gaining grace from life that's lost.
Sisters, brothers, Christ is calling:
Offer living sacrifice
Of your bodies, holy, pleasing
Unto God, beyond all price.
Not conformed to this world's standards,
But renewed in heart and mind,
Thus shall God's own will be shown forth,
Perfect, pleasing, good to find.
try using "Holy Manna"
if you need to hear that, click this link for the tune:
This text, to an incredible (and I mean that) setting by composer James E. Clemens, is available on the recording "Music for the Year of Matthew," published by The Liturgical Press (www.litpress.org)
You can hear a snippet of it at the Schola's website:
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