Thursday, October 23, 2008

Hymn: Solemnity of All the Saints (Nov. 1)

All Saints’ Day
Nov. 1

Let us rejoice in God, the Lord, c.f. today’s Introit
And keep the saints’ great festal day;
In union with the heavn’ly host
All homage to God’s Son we pay.

A number vast, beyond our count, c.f. Rev. 7:2-4, 9-11
From ev’ry race and tongue and land,
The saints are gathered round the throne;
White-robed and crowned, with Christ they stand.

The love the Father poured on us c.f. I John 3:1-3
That names each one a ‘child of God’
Points forward to a greater gift
For those who, faithful, Christ’s way trod.

The gentle and those making peace, c.f. Matthew 5: 1-12
The mourner and the pure in heart,
Those persecuted for the right:
All saints of God, with grace their part.

“To God, who sits upon the thone, c.f. Rev. 7:2-4, 9-11
And to the Lamb,” the saints acclaim,
Be victory and endless praise!
Give ceaseless glory to His Name!”

To Father, Son, and Paraclete,
Our only God in persons three
All glory from the Church on earth
And from all saints in heaven be!

no suggested tune

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