Sunday, October 19, 2008

Hymn: 18 OT A

The meter of this hymn is 76.76.D. The tune is "Aurelia," which is found in Worship III at #618 together with the text, "O Christ the Great Foundation."

The crowd had followed Jesus

Into the wilderness;

He saw their needy number,

Which caused His heart distress.

As evening came upon them,

He had them all recline.

There with some loaves and fishes

Christ made them all to dine.

This gen'rous care for hungry

And thirsty souls still calls:

All you who have no money,

Seek not for food that palls;

Come unto Christ and listen

With all your heart and mind--

In Jesus, we encounter

God's love and peace entwined.

God's love that comes in jesus

Shown forth upon the cross

And in His resurrection

Will nver be our loss;

For we are more than conqu'rors

In Christ, who reigns above;

Nor present nor the future

Can steal us from God's love.

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