Thursday, October 23, 2008

Hymn: 29th Sun. OT A

The Lord anointed Cyrus,
A king from far away,
That he might do God's bidding
And thus pave Jacob's way
To journey back from exil.
The Lord, Almighty One,
Chose one from alien people
To have His will be done.

So Jesus, when confronted
With careful, well-set plot,
Responded to the inquest
With wit by which we're taught:
"Give unto Caesar, Caesar's,
And unto God, God's own."
By this response, He shows us
God's glory, oft unknown.

Appearance is deceiving,
The common way, oft wrong;
We need to be pursuing
God's judgment, true and strong.
The Spirit gives us insight
Through faith and labors long,
That ev'ry day be guided
By Jesus' word so strong.

You can use many different tunes; but you might seriously consider Ellacombe.
If you don't know that, check the melody out here:
http://www.cyberhym h/a/haillord. htm

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