Sunday, October 19, 2008

Hymn: Vigil of Assumption, Aug. 14

Readings for today: I Chronicles 15:3-4,15.16; 16:16, 1-2; I Corinthians 15:54-57; and Luke 11:27-28.

Meter for this hymn: 87.87.D; tune is Beach Spring.

Death defeated! Love is reigning

O'er the powers of sin and hell!

Let the songs of all the faithful

With the hymns of angels swell.

Mary, virgin mother blessed,

Now with Christ in triumph reigns,

Here assumed, both soul and body,

Has escaped corruption's chains.

As the Ark was brought in triumph

To the place which David planned,

So has Mary, Tabernacle,

Come at Christ's right hand to stand.

Immortality has clothed her

Who, as mortal, had to die;

Now the Church, God's faithful people,

Sing this endless hymn on high:

Praise to Father, Source of blessing;

Praise to Christ, true Light from Light;

Praise to Spirit, life's own Giver:

God of love and God of might!

As Our Lady has been granted

Life abundant at Your side,

Lead us on in faithful service

Till we all in heaven bide.

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