Sunday, October 19, 2008

Hymn: 25th Sun. OT A

Toiling for their daily bread,

Workers in the vineyard

Came at diff'rent times of day.

Sunset brought them town-ward.

Then each one of them was paid,

First and last, their wages;

This, the owner's gen'rous choice,

Brought forth bitter rages!

In this tale which jesus gold

We are given insight

Of the wondrous ways of God,

Higher far than heav'n's light

Is above the earth below---

In such gen'rous measure

God bestows on ev'ry soul

Grace in fullest measure!

Life, for those who are baptize,

Means "in Christ, we're living,"

Dying, then, becomes our gain

Through Christ's life we're sharing.

Called, then, worthily to love

In Christ's Gospel biding,

Let us daily trust in God

As in faith we're striving.


Gaudeamus pariter

If you don't know the tune:

or it can be sung to

St. Kevin

If you don't know the tune:

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