Sunday, October 19, 2008

Hymns: Transfiguration of the Lord (Aug. 6)

Readings for the feast: Daniel 7: 9-10,13-14; II Peter 1: 16-19; Matthew 17: 1-9 (in year A, of course)

Hymn One: sung to "Kingsfold"

The Master came with His three friends
To climb Mount Tabor's heigh;
There he was changed, transfigured with
God's uncreated Light.
"This is my Son!" the Father said,
"In Him is My delight!
So give him ear, that all your ways
May be within My light!"

As Daniel, seer of old, had seen
One like a 'Son of Man,'
On whom were kingship, sov'reignty,
And place at God's right hand,
So too, said Peter, we have seen
His glory, come from God,
Revealed to us who with Him lived
And walked in ways untrod.

Let us confirm our call from God
With works that show His light,
Transfigured from our former selves
By His most awesome might.
Bring us, O Lord, to hear Your Son,
That--walking in His ways--
We, as Your daughters and Your sons,
May praise You all our days.


Hymn Two: Sung to the tune "Kol Slaven Nas"

O Lord, when You were shown in Your glory,
Tabor became like heaven that day.
A cloud of dazzling brightness came o'er You;
Then came the Father's voice, heard to say:
This is My Son, in Whom I rejoice!
Listen to Him! Make Him your heart's own choice!

There with You on the mount in witness
Were Peter, James, and John, who came
To see You there in transfigured splendor,
Giving them strength to spread Your Name.

There, too, came Moses and Elijah,

Witnesses to Your coming death,

Thus testifying, Law and Prophets,

Of Your great love, to Your last breath. (Refrain)

O Christ, our Light, all light outshining,

Call us from sin to follow You,

That we, transfigured by our Baptism,

May in our lives be ever true. (Refrain)

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