Sunday, October 19, 2008

Hymn, 9th Sunday in Ordinary Time, A

The readings given for this Sunday (which almost NEVER gets observed, but saw sunlight this year because of the extraordinarily early celebration of Easter) are:

Deuteronomy 11:18, 23-28; Romans 3: 21-25, 28; Matthew 7:21-27

The meter of the hymn is 77.77.77; the tune is called "Dix." It can be found in Worship III, hymn number #409 (obviously there with a different text ).

"Take my words into your hearts,"

Moses said to Israel there,

"Bind them on your head and wrist

Keep them, guard them each with care.

See before you curse and grace:

Choose 'twixt death and Yahweh's face."

Jesus said, "The one who cries

'Lord!' is not the one who wins;

Only those who do God's will

Find the Kingom, enter in.

Those who hear and live My word,

Like wise planners, ground what's heard."

All have sinned and fallen short

Of the glory of our God;

All are freely justified

Through the blood and cross of Christ.

This cannont through Law be bought:

Only through God's love it's sought.

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