Sunday, October 19, 2008

Hymn for the Vigil of Pentecost

This was commissioned by Dr. Paul F. Ford, St. John's Seminary, Camarillo, CA, for the 25th ordination anniversary of a friend of his.

This hymn is based on the Scriptures for the Vigil of Pentecost:

“Lord, now send your Spirit out!” Alleluia!

Hear the Church of Jesus shout. Alleluia!

Here renew your gifts of grace, Alleluia!

On all gathered in this place. Alleluia!

From disciples gathered here, Alleluia!

Spirit’s fire now purges fear; Alleluia!

Spirit’s wind, strong driving noise, Alleluia!

Stirs the praise each heart employs. Alleluia!

*Spirit of the risen Lord, Alleluia!

Gift of peace to all afford; Alleluia!

Through forgiveness of our sin, Alleluia!

Make us hale and whole within. Alleluia!

*Jesus, Lord! We each can cry, Alleluia!

Through your Spirit’s power nigh, Alleluia!

Though each gift is not the same, Alleluia!

Each the Spirit’s source can claim, Alleluia!

*Baptized in the Spirit’s grace, Alleluia!

Gone are claims of class or race, Alleluia!

Many parts, one Body we, Alleluia!

Ransomed and in Christ made free, Alleluia!

“Lord, now send your Spirit out!” Alleluia!

Free us from all sin and doubt. Alleluia!

O’er the earth, in ev’ry tongue, Alleluia!

Let Christ’s great good news be sung. Alleluia!

*These stanzas are derived from the Second Reading from Year A,

which may be used in place of Galatians 5.

77.77 with alleluias; suggested tune, Llanfair

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