Sunday, October 19, 2008

Byzantine Paschal Lectionary Hymns

Christ is risen!

The following hymns, all to the same hymn tune, were written to go with the Byzantine Lectionary for the Paschal Season, which is quite distinct from the Western Lectionary.

Second Paschal Sunday: Saint Thomas

The evening of the day He rose,
The Savior stood with those He chose!
But Thomas was not there that night
And doubted all those tidings bright.
The Lord is ris'n! Khrystos voskres!
The Lord is ris'n! Khrystos voskres!

When eight days passed, Christ came again,
And Thomas stood among them then.
"Stretch forth your hand--no longer doubt."
"My Lord and God!" was Thomas' shout.
The Lord is ris'n! Khrystos voskres!
The Lord is ris'n! Khrystos voskres!

All glory, Lord, to you we pay
Arisen from the grave this day,
Whom with the Father we adore,
And Paraclete, for evermore!
The Lord is ris'n! Khrystos voskres!
The Lord is ris'n! Khrystos voskres!

Third Paschal Sunday: The Myrrh-bearing Women

The first day of the week at dawn,
The women bearing myrrh rush on
To find the stone all rolled away,
With two men clothed in white who say:
The Lord is ris'n! Khrystos voskres!
The Lord is ris'n! Khrystos voskres!

"Why seek the Living in a tomb?
He is not here! Abandon gloom!
As He foretold, he was betrayed
But now, behold the place He laid!
"The Lord is ris'n! Khrystos voskres!
The Lord is ris'n! Khrystos voskres!

All glory, Lord, to you we pay
Arisen from the grave this day,
Whom with the Father we adore,
And Paraclete, for evermore!
The Lord is ris'n! Khrystos voskres!
The Lord is ris'n! Khrystos voskres!

Fourth Paschal Sunday: The Paralytic

Bethseda's pool was oft a place
Where sick folk met God's healing grace.
A cripple lay there endless days,W
ho longed for heaven's healing ways.
The Lord is ris'n! Khrystos voskres!
The Lord is ris'n! Khrystos voskres!

When Jesus asked the crippled man
If he would want to walk and stand,
"No one has helped me," was his cry,
Till grasped by Christ and raised up high!
The Lord is ris'n! Khrystos voskres!
The Lord is ris'n! Khrystos voskres!

All glory, Lord, to you we pay
Arisen from the grave this day,
Whom with the Father we adore,
And Paraclete, for evermore!
The Lord is ris'n! Khrystos voskres!
The Lord is ris'n! Khrystos voskres!

The Wednesday of Mid-Pentecost

At festal mid-point, Jesus went
To preach the message God had sent.
His loving Word brought strife severe
Dividing those who'd come to hear.
The Lord is ris'n! Khrystos voskres!
The Lord is ris'n! Khrystos voskres!

"We know this man, and where he's from,
But not of Christ! The Word is dumb!"
"I come not of my own accord,
But am the Father's living Word!"
The Lord is ris'n! Khrystos voskres!
The Lord is ris'n! Khrystos voskres!

All glory, Lord, to you we pay
Arisen from the grave this day,
Whom with the Father we adore,
And Paraclete, for evermore!
The Lord is ris'n! Khrystos voskres!
The Lord is ris'n! Khrystos voskres!

Fifth Paschal Sunday: The Samaritan Woman

While in Samaria, Jesus came
To rest by a well with Jacob's name.
A woman let her bucket sink,
And Jesus said, "Give me a drink."
The Lord is ris'n! Khrystos voskres!
The Lord is ris'n! Khrystos voskres!

"How is it, sir, you ask of me,
Samaritan? How can it be?"
"If you but knew Who speaks to you,
You'd beg for living waters, too."
The Lord is ris'n! Khrystos voskres!
The Lord is ris'n! Khrystos voskres!

Those drinking here will thirst again;
Those drinking living water, then,
Will never thirst; this Fountain brings
Eternal life where'er it springs!"
The Lord is ris'n! Khrystos voskres!
The Lord is ris'n! Khrystos voskres!

All glory, Lord, to you we pay
Arisen from the grave this day,
Whom with the Father we adore,
And Paraclete, for evermore!
The Lord is ris'n! Khrystos voskres!
The Lord is ris'n! Khrystos voskres!

Sixth Paschal Sunday: The Man Born Blind

As Jesus walked, he saw a man
Who, blind from birth, fulfilled God's plan.
Anointing those blind eyes with clay,
He bade him wash and go his way.
The Lord is ris'n! Khrystos voskres!
The Lord is ris'n! Khrystos voskres!
As he was told, so did he then.
With sight restored, he came again
And, in the face of spite and scorn,
Gave praise which did Christ's deed adorn.
The Lord is ris'n! Khrystos voskres!
The Lord is ris'n! Khrystos voskres!

All glory, Lord, to you we pay
Arisen from the grave this day,
Whom with the Father we adore,
And Paraclete, for evermore!
The Lord is ris'n! Khrystos voskres!
The Lord is ris'n! Khrystos voskres!

The Ascension of our Lord and God and Savior Jesus Christ

Christ told the Twelve, "You must proclaim
To all the world the Gospel's fame,
And witness bear to all I wrought,
That rising from the dead has bought!"
The Lord ascends to heaven high!
The Lord ascends to heaven high!

He led them then to Bethany,
He raised His hands for all to see,
And, blessing them, rose from their sight;
Was carried up to heaven's height.
The Lord ascends to heaven high!
The Lord ascends to heaven high!

Ascended Lord, to You we pay
Our debt of love and praise this day,
Whom with the Father we adore,
And Paraclete, for evermore!
The Lord ascends to heaven high!
The Lord ascends to heaven high!

Seventh Paschal Sunday:
Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council

Then, lifting up His eyes to You,
The Lord said to His Father true:
“The time has come! Now glorify
Your Son with joy that cannot die.”
Your Spirit send, O Father, Lord!
Your Spirit send, O Father, Lord!

“Eternal life means knowing You
And Me as Christ, Messiah true.
All You have given, I have done;
Now glorify Me as Your Son.”
Your Spirit send, O Father, Lord!
Your Spirit send, O Father, Lord!

“Now keep all those You gave to me,
That they, with You and Me, may be
United in our bonds of love,
Both here on earth and in heav'n above!”
Your Spirit send, O Father, Lord!
Your Spirit send, O Father, Lord!

All praise, O ris'n, ascended Lord,
From all Your Church with one accord;
Thus to the Father, glory be,
And to the Spirit: One-in-Three!
Your Spirit send, O Father, Lord!
Your Spirit send, O Father, Lord!

The Day of Pentecost

Upon the last, great festal day,
The Lord stood up and then did say:
If you are thirsty, come to Me--
Drink of the living water free!
O Spirit of the Lord, descend!
O Spirit of the Lord, descend!

He spoke of Spirit, we believe,
Whom all His foll'wers would receive;
And on this fiftieth, joy-filled day
On bended knee, the Church will pray:
O Spirit of the Lord, descend!
O Spirit of the Lord, descend!

O Father, Son, and Spirit blest,
To You be endless praise addressed.
To You, the Three-in-One, we bring
Our praise and thanks, O God our King!
O Spirit of the Lord, descend!
O Spirit of the Lord, descend!

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