Sunday, October 19, 2008

Hymn: Vigil of Ss. Peter and Paul (Jun. 28)

Coming to the temple precincts,

John and Peter meant to pray.

There they met a crippled beggar,

Who sought alms from them that day.

"I have neither gold nor silver;

What I have, though, take from me:

In the Name of Jesus, brother,

Rise and walk and be made free!"

Peter, questioned by his Master,

Spoke three times of love so strong.

In response the Lord commanded,

"Feed My sheep your whole life long."

And He added, "Once you wandered

As you pleased, unbound and free;

Once you're older, you'll be captured,

Fettered, bound; still, follow Me!"

The Good News told by th'Apostles

Does not come from human speech,

But directly from Christ Jesus,

Who commanded them to preach!

Paul, who once the Faith had hated,

Called by God to know His Son,

Then became the greatest teacher,

Praising Christ for souls he'd won.

Glory now to God the Father,

Who from mother's womb has sought;

Glory now to Christ our Savior,

Who our souls in ransom bought;

Glory now to Holy Spirit,

In whose grace we daily live;

For th'Apostles and their message

Daily thanks and praise we give!

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