Thursday, October 23, 2008

First Evening Prayer, All Saints' (Nov. 1)

First Evening Prayer

The Hymn is "Christe, Redepmtor omnium." (N.B., NOT the one associated with Christmas, but one modeled upon it )

The Psalms and antiphons are proper to this feast.

1. Psalm 113, with

Eternal light will shine upon your saints, O Lord,
and they will live forever, alleluia.

2. Psalm 147:1-11, with

Jerusalem, city of God, you will rejoice in your children,
for they shall all be blessed and gathered together with the Lord, alleluia.

3. Revelations Canticle (19:1-7), with

Before the throne of God and the Lamb,
the saints will sing a new song;
their voices will resound throughout the earth, alleluia.

The Reading is Hebrews 12:22-24, which tells us that the Church on this day celebrates the "assembly of the first-born enrolled in heaven" which is there through "Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant."

The Responsory is: “The just will rejoice in the presence of the Lord,” with the verse, “They shall sing for joy!”

The antiphon on the Magnificat is:

The glorious company of apostles praises you,
the noble fellowship of prophets praises you,
the white-robed army of martyrs praises you,
all the saints together sing your glory,
O holy Trinity, one God.

The Intercessions and the Prayer are proper to All Saints.

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